I went to the first open artists’ tour weekend in 2012 when it was run by founder Alix Travis and I later visited Alix’s art studio. It was a fascinating peek behind the scenes of the art scene here in the Catskills. At the time, I realized that there were hundreds of creatives like Alix, honing their craft in these mountains and I wanted to be one of them. I took watercolor classes with Alix and joined her plein air group. 12 years later Upstate Dispatch Studio is participating in the tour, in its 10th anniversary year, opening its doors like 60 other artists across Delaware County in the Catskills. Originally, it was only Arkville, Margaretville, Roxbury, so it was named “AMR”, but now the tour has expanded and includes eight towns: Bovina, Andes, Fleischmanns, Halcotsville, and Denver-Vega.
The aim of the tour is to connect people through art, and provide a vibrant cultural life for all in the Catskills and I’m so honored and pleased to be included.
Please visit me in my studio at the following dates and times.
Time: 11am – 5pm
Dates: Friday July 26th, Saturday July 27th & Sunday July 28th, 2024
Address: The Commons Building, 785 Main Street, 2nd Floor, Margaretville, NY 12455
Maps are available at The Commons Building at Upstate Dispatch and at the other businesses in the building: Longyear Gallery, Bea Ortiz, Lisbeth Firmin, Honeybee Herbs, Carolann’s Cuisine and The Catskills Artisans’ Guild.
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