36F at 8am, snowing heavily, with the mountains shrouded in the thick fog of our profound resignation. We live in the mountains and, consequently, get all the weather. We catch all precipitation however cold it may be. The budding maple leaves that have been reddening the bare, umber brush like a light rash are covered once again in white powder for most of the day. Locals say that the weather was always like this and that back in the day, there was nothing planted before Memorial Day. Plus, of course, water is life. Keep it flowing.
Tag Archives: Catskills Winter
Daily Catskills: 02/04/18
A high of 32F seems remarkably warm, with the peaks enveloped in thick clouds of swirling snow. High winds.
Daily Catskills: 02/01/18
A high of 39F, humid and overcast. A gloomy start to the month.
Daily Catskill: 01/28/18
A high of 48F, humid, overcast and grey with thin strips of aquamarine on the horizon.
Daily Catskills: 01/25/18
A bitter high of 20F, face-deadening cold, but bright, almost cloudless sunshine for most of the day.
Daily Catskills: 12/12/17
A high of 35F, and overcast with shimmering cloud and continuous snowfall. A quick Urdhva mukha svanasana. Yoga on the go.
Daily Catskills: 12/10/17
A high of 29F and gloomy with rippled, moody clouds and a bitter chill. Late afternoon flurries cover iced ponds.
Daily Catskills: 12/09/17
A high of 30F and cold with afternoon snow beginning as a light sprinkles at lunchtime and continuing well into the evening. Cars over-shooting their turns, sliding gracefully off roads and into ditches, just before dusk ahead of the snow ploughs. Winter has finally arrived.
Daily Catskills: 01/25/17
31F at 9am, light breeze, milky sky, six inches of overnight snow.
Daily Catskills: 01/24/17
34F by 2pm, overcast, gloomy, with mild overnight ice storm having left few inches of gravelly ice that were topped by six inches of afternoon snow on the peaks. Slushy, muddy valleys.
Daily Catskills: 01/18/17
34F at 9am, overcast, recovering from overnight ice storm. Every leaf, branch, blade, needle trapped in a glassy prison. House covered in icy granola.
Daily Catskills: 01/09/17
17F by noon and calm with the sun straining through another frosted sky.
Daily Catskills: 01/08/17
9F at 9am, calm and quiet with the sun straining though a sky like gauze. 15F by mid-afternoon with light, glittering snowfall.
Daily Catskills: 03/19/16
30F at 8.30am, and sunny with a hazy horizon. 39F and clear skies at 3pm.
Daily Catskills: 03/18/16
39F at 11am and overcast with light snow. 35F at 2pm and more snow.
Daily Catskills: 03/15/16
43F at 8.30am, overcast with morning mist over the mountains. 55F by 2pm.
Daily Catskills: 03/11/16
43F at 11am with a mix of sun and clouds, breezy and warm. 48F by 2pm.
Daily Catskills: 03/10/16
59F at 8.30am, overcast, humid and calm. Light, steady rain for the rest of the day.
Daily Catskills: 03/08/16
50F at 8.30am, overcast and humid. 61F by 1.30pm.
Daily Catskills: 03/07/16
30F at 8.30am and overcast. 55F at 1pm, brighter and with less cloud.
Daily Catskills: 03/05/16
30F by 10am and overcast. Bitterly cold and dreary for the rest of the day.
Daily Catskills: 03/04/16
30F by 10am and cloudy with a slight breeze. 34F by mid-afternoon.
Daily Catskills: 02/28/16
57F by 2pm with hazy sunshine through wispy cloud cover.
Daily Catskills: 02/27/16
19F at 8.30am rising to 34F by late afternoon. Clear and sunny.
Daily Catskills: 02/26/16
21F at 8.30am, lightly snowing, a fresh layer of powder and beautifully overcast with a shimmering sky.
Daily Catskills: 02/25/16
50F at 8.30am and mistily overcast with the ground squelching underfoot from last night’s heavy rain. Continual rain in the afternoon contributes to the raging tributaries.
Daily Catskills: 02/24/16
34F at 7.30am and wet with rain melting two inches of overnight snow into slush. Heavy afternoon rain. Update: heavy rain, thunder and lightning storms throughout the evening.
Daily Catskills: 02/23/16
31F by 1.30pm and overcast with light afternoon snow having laid an inch by dusk.
Daily Catskills: 02/21/16
43F by 11am, overcast, but still bright. 45F by 2pm.
Daily Catskills: 02/18/16
17F by 8.15am and still, with clear skies apart from dashes of cotton wool cloud.
Daily Catskills: 02/17/16
25F at 8.30am and overcast with a crunchy layer of frosted snow. Large chunks of ice flowing downstream and thick snow dumped on the mountain peaks only.
Daily Catskills: 02/16/16
48F by 10.30am with the extra blanket of overnight snow having been completely blown away in an overnight storm and replaced with ice. 52F, humid with torrential rain and strong winds for most of the day. A 24-hour smorgasbord of weather.
Daily Catskills: 02/15/16
0F at 8.30am, thickly overcast and lightly snowing, rising to 12F by noon.
Daily Catskills: 02/14/16
-7F at 8.30am with still air and clear skies, but nostril hair-freezing cold, rising to 2F by noon.
Daily Catskills: 02/13/16
Still only 8F by 11am with high winds, a few more inches of overnight snow, fast-moving snow squalls and a shimmering sky. Down to 2F by noon.
Daily Catskills: 02/12/16
7F at 8.30am and very bright sunshine through the hazy cloud, rising to 20F by 10.30am.
Daily Catskills: 02/11/16
A bitter 14F and overcast at 8.30am with face-gnawing wind.
The Catskill 35 (W): Sugarloaf Mountain
The Pecoy Notch trail must be magical in the summer because even in the winter, when it’s bare and cold, it’s charming in a way that other gaps and passes are not. The first 0.25 miles is a gentle incline and before you have time to be surprised at how quickly you arrived at it, you’re upon Dibble’s Quarry, a defunct quarry that runs down the side of the incline, on which someone has built a large stone stage and several over-sized stone chairs in which to relax. Behind the stone stage there’s a small room that looks like it’s on its way to becoming a small stone cabin equipped with stone picnic tables inside and out. Downhill, there are various lookout notches and seating built in the side of the hill from stone. The entire landmark is essentially a bluestone auditorium with a stunning view of Kaaterskill High Peak. Before you come to Pecoy Notch itself, which is a notch between Twin Mountain and Sugarloaf, you pass a frozen lake and then a frozen swamp, which adds an unexpected air of mystery. From the frozen swamp, you can clearly see the two mountains. The Notch from there to the next mile markers is a dense thicket of spruces with a soft forest floor covered in gnarly tree roots and fir needles. After the quarry, but well before the Notch, there’s a half-frozen, roaring waterfall that cascades across the trail and over the edge of the mountain. This stream is is a little tricky to cross, but shallow enough, and there are just enough boulders to help you pass.
Daily Catskills: 02/10/16
27F at 8.30am and mostly sunny.
Daily Catskills: 02/09/16
19F at 8.30am, overcast and bitter rising to 25F and some snow.
Daily Catskills: 02/08/16
30F at 8.30am and overcast with a biting wind on the peaks.
Daily Catskills: 02/07/16
31F at 8.30 with hazy sunshine, rising to 43F by 3pm.
Daily Catskills: 02/06/16
22F at 8.30am with a layer of frost sparkling under a hazy sunrise.
Daily Catskills: 02/05/16
32F by 11am, with shimmering cloud and a bone-chilling, gusty wind, warming up to 36F by 1pm and more sunny. Update: 36F with clear skies by 3pm.
Daily Catskills: 02/04/16
39F at 8.30am and mostly cloudy with some sun expected later.
Daily Catskills: 02/03/16
37F at 8.30am, overcast and raining.
The Catskill 35 (W): Wittenberg
A couple of accidents on the peaks – Kaaterskill and Sherrill – this past week remind us how treacherous winter hiking can be. It’s not only the cold, icy terrain that’s a threat; if you’re tired or hungry, circumstances can quickly go from uncomfortable to dangerous. Once fatigue sets in, an ordinarily innocent stumble on a boulder can easily turn into a fall or disable a knee or ankle. In addition, if your under layers are soaked in sweat a rest break could allow them to freeze. These are potentially fatal conditions. Listen to your instinct when it says you’re really too tired to attempt to climb up that 50-feet-high vertical pile of jagged rocks. Except, I didn’t.
Daily Catskills: 02/02/16
37F at 10am and mostly sunny.
Daily Catskills: 02/01/16
48F at 8.30am, overcast and gloomy with most of the snow and ice melted. Muddy.
Daily Catskills: 01/31/16
28F at 8.30am, rising to 45F by mid-afternoon. Ice and snow melting quickly off the peaks and 53F reported in some areas.
Daily Catskills: 01/30/16
32F by 11am and overcast with periods of brightness. 40F by 2.30pm with snow rapidly melting on the peaks.
Daily Catskills: 01/29/16
28F at 10am with light but persistent snow throughout the morning: a white out on the peaks. 34F by 2pm.
Daily Catskills: 01/28/16
32F at 8.30am with clear skies: bright and sunny. 35F by 3pm and densely overcast.
Daily Catskills: 01/27/16
35F at 8.30am and overcast with a chilly wind blowing the odd snowflake. Scattered snowstorms by mid-afternoon.
Daily Catskills: 01/26/16
36F at 8.30am, calm, humid and overcast rising to 46F by 2pm with high winds.