35F at 9am with steady rain melting overnight icy patches and fog smothering the mountains.
Tag Archives: Rain
Daily Catskills: 08/11/15
Daily Catskills: 07/26/15
Daily Catskills: 07/20/15
Daily Catskills: 07/15/15
Daily Catskills: 07/04/15
Daily Catskills: 07/01/15
Daily Catskills: 06/28/15
Daily Catskills: 06/27/15
Daily Catskills: 06/23/15
70F by 8.30am rising to 81F and cloudy by mid-afternoon. Periodical, dark thunder storms and brief showers.

© Margaret Helthaler 9.40am
Daily Catskills: 06/21/15 Summer Solstice
Daily Catskills: 06/19/15
Daily Catskills: 06/18/15
Daily Catskills: 06/16/15
70F by 9am, misty clouds moving quickly over the mountains and the wind gently shaking last night’s rain out of the trees. Humid, with gunmetal skies issuing threatening sprinkles by noon. Stormy weather forecast. Update: Rain late afternoon and into the evening.
Daily Catskills: 06/15/15
Daily Catskills: 06/08/15
55F at 8am, raining, overcast and gloomy. Update: 77F by 4pm with low rumblings of thunder in the air. Rain late afternoon, with a tornado watch in effect for the Catskills.
Daily Catskills: 06/02/15
Daily Catskills: 06/01/15
Daily Catskills: 05/31/15
Daily Catskills: 05/28/15
Daily Catskills: 05/27/15
Daily Catskills: 05/26/15
Daily Catskills: 05/19/15
Daily Catskills: 05/16/15
Much needed overnight rain ushered in a damp, overcast morning. 68F at 11am and humid with mist over the mountains. Update: 76F, overcast and humid at 4.30pm. Steady rain at 6.30pm dwindled to light showers by 8pm.
Daily Catskills: 05/05/15
Daily Catskills: 04/23/15
Daily Catskills: 04/22/15
Daily Catskills: 04/20/15
Daily Catskills: 04/17/15
Daily Catskills: 04/11/15
40F at 9am and windy. The sun fighting through the grey rolling cloud cover. Stunning cloud cover all afternoon culminating in a gorgeous sunset.
Daily Catskills: 04/10/15
Daily Catskills: 04/09/15
Jack Frost has cut his expert swathe across the mountains. A frozen, overcast landscape, 31F at 7am and every single bud, blade and branch coated in a thick, icy mantle. Icy granola stuck fast to the entire deck and sides of the house. Overnight thunder, lightning and hail set Spring back again. Update: 36F mid-afternoon with the ice being noisily blown off the branches by the wind.
Daily Catskills: 04/08/15
Daily Catskills: 04/07/15
Daily Catskills: 03/27/15
Daily Catskills: 03/17/15
34F at 8am rising to 39F. Wet and overcast: mud season continues unabated.

© Margaret Helthaler The Reformed Church in Grahamsville