A high of 90F, blazing hot and humid.
Tag Archives: Daily Catskills
Daily Catskills: 09/24/17
A high of 84F with clear skies of hazy blue. Sunday scorcher.
Daily Catskills: 09/18/17
Another balmy morning at 65F with the blazing sun chasing fog into the valleys. A high of 82F, hot in the sun with a cool breeze, like summer wants another chance.
Daily Catskills: 09/17/17
A foggy start to the day, rising to 83F and scorching in the sun until the storm clouds sailed through with a mini-storm. Sunburn one minute; a thorough soaking the next. This year’s fall is more like a fade… a draining of color from vivid green to yellow. The forest floor is carpet of brown and yellow.
Daily Catskills: 09/13/17
Another chilly misty morning warming up to 82F and sunny with a hazy cloud transforming into ominous, grey armada that issued early evening rain.
Daily Catskills: 09/11/17
A high of 74F, warm in the hazy sunshine, but chilly in the shade. Wild leeks, the infamous “ramps”, issue their unique seeds, like tiny, opaque spheres of shimmering onyx.
Daily Catskills: 09/02/17
A morning of warming sun smothered by clouds late afternoon with a 70F high. A chilly harvest.
Daily Catskills: 08/31/17
A chilly high of 67F, with the sun straining to break through multifarious clouds, gusty winds and a lunchtime shower. August almost goes out with a whimper to the sound of a thousand wood stoves firing up, but the sun comes out at the last minute and turns the clouds into a milky glaze.
Daily Catskills: 08/29/17
A chilly morning, with a high of 59F and overcast with afternoon rain. Summer’s got the blues.
Daily Catskills: 08/27/17
After another overnight low of 45F, a high of 74F and sunny with wispy cloud. Hot in the sun; cool in the shade.
Daily Catskills: 08/25/17
A 70F high and sunny with a distinct chill in the air. A little taster of Autumn.
Daily Catskills: 08/24/17
72F and mostly sunny with billowing clouds. A warm breeze in the hemlocks.
Daily Catskills: 08/22/17
81F by mid-afternoon and humid, with cloud sailing over the hazy mountains through a sky of swimming pool blue.
Daily Catskills: 08/21/17
Another gorgeous misty morning, humid with wisps of cloud. 81F by mid-afternoon, mostly sunny and breezy with rippled cloud obscuring the solar eclipse.
Daily Catskills: 08/17/17
80F by mid-afternoon with distant, sailing clouds. Blackberries ripening in the sun.
Daily Catskills: 08/15/17
After heavy overnight rain, a chilly morning with foggy cloud settled over the landscape like a blanket. A hazy, humid day with a high of 75F.
Daily Catskills: 08/14/17
A chilly start: 58F at 8am, rising to 75F by mid-afternoon and soupy with clouds like churning milk.
Daily Catskills: 08/05/17
74F by the afternoon, billowing clouds revealing occasional sunshine. Refreshing breeze in the trees punctuated by the annoying buzz of a neighbor’s drone in the distance. Garlic curing in a shady spot.
Daily Catskills: 07/31/17
A chilly 56F at 7.30am, rising to 84F by 3pm. Hot, sultry and hazy on top of this part of the world.
Daily Catskills: 06/27/17
After a wet, gloomy morning, 67F by mid-afternoon and mostly sunny. Huge, thundering clouds quickly rolling through stealing the scene, cracking lightning and later issuing some torrential, late afternoon rain. Moody.
Daily Catskills: 06/26/17
72F by mid-afternoon, bright and sunny. Mysterious mist is our regular morning visitor.
Daily Catskills: 06/19/17
Humid and sticky with periods of torrential rain, thunder and flooding throughout the day and throughout the mountains, caused by dense, milky, blue-hued clouds.
Daily Catskills: 06/17/17
After a morning of rain: 77F by mid-afternoon with the sun burning through a veil of cloud.
Daily Catskills: 06/11/17
88F by mid-afternoon, hot and sunny with a cool breeze in the shade. Looks a like this will be a good year for apples.
Daily Catskills: 06/10/17
80F by mid-afternoon, warm and sunny.
Daily Catskills: 06/05/17
70F by mid-afternoon, humid and breezy, clouds ready to burst all day, mist crawling over mountains. Sultry.
Daily Catskills: 05/22/17
58F by mid-afternoon, overcast and gloomy with hovering mist and sporadic rain.
Daily Catskills: 05/06/17
60F by mid-afternoon, overcast, dreary and continual rain with occasional sunny breaks in the cloud.
Daily Catskills: 05/01/17
68F by mid-afternoon, humid, breezy, mostly overcast with lunchtime sun. Update: torrential overnight rain and turbulent storms across the region.
Evening Catskills: 04/07/17
After a day of intermittent snow flurries: an evening whiteout.
Daily Catskills: 04/04/17
Torrential overnight rains continued into morning and throughout the day with a high of 50F. Mist hanging over a drenched, humid landscape: large puddles, rushing rivers, streams, gullies. New green shoots point upwards like the beaks of little hungry chicks.
Daily Catskills: 04/03/17
49F by noon and cloudy with periods of sunshine warming a nascent landscape.
Daily Catskills: 03/31/17
34F by mid-afternoon with hale settling like snow on the dust-colored landscape. After a week of thawing, in which a few feet of snow disappeared, the buds are now back in their icy prison. Gusty winds.
Daily Catskills: 03/23/17
35F by mid-afternoon after a bitterly frigid morning. Land and sky equally dazzling.
Daily Catskills: 03/10/17
Gusty winds bringing isolated snow showers all night and into the morning, coating the landscape once again with fresh powder after a warm week. 25F by mid-afternoon with high winds and dappled grey sky. Dangerous wind chill warning for this evening.
Daily Catskills: 02/09/17
18F by 1pm with a foot-deep blanket of overnight snow and high winds kicking up the powder into a misty spray.
Daily Catskills: 02/03/17
A wide stretch of electric blue, after a week of low light and vibrant snow storms. Clouds sailing quickly along like they have warmer places to be. So many fresh tracks in the snow made it look like a Million Animal March. Perhaps there was an unofficial wildlife conference last night? 24F by mid-afternoon.
Daily Catskills: 05/29/16
85F by mid-morning, hazily overcast, very humid with a light breeze and isolated showers.
Daily Catskills Exhibition at Union Grove Distillery
Come celebrate the Catskills with us at Union Grove Distillery in Arkville at the opening party of the Daily Catskills Exhibition on Friday May 20th at 6pm.
If you’re only just joining us, Upstate Dispatch is a website started in September 2014 by J.N. Urbanski, focusing on the Catskills featuring interviews, memoir, photography and reviews of food, art, farming and the local economy.
Every day, for a period of 18 months, Upstate Dispatch published an image of the Catskills taken on that day. This exhibition will start at the distillery and continue throughout the Catskills at various locations over the summer. All prints are available for purchase, framed or unframed. For the last month, we’ve been editing, printing, packing, matting (and picking out a nice print for Larry who probably is wondering where his free 11 x 14 print is).
Union Grove Distillery is a local distillery and tasting room currently brewing their third batch of local vodka from wheat and apples named Vly Creek Vodka.
Daily Catskills Lightbox: 05/28/15
A gorgeous glimpse of weather to come… fingers crossed.
Daily Catskills: 03/10/16
59F at 8.30am, overcast, humid and calm. Light, steady rain for the rest of the day.
Daily Catskills: 03/09/16
A hair over 70F at 8.30am and hazy with a light breeze. 74F by 2pm.
Daily Catskills: 01/02/16
25F at 8.30am, cold and enigmatically overcast with snow on the higher peaks. 30F by mid-afternoon.
Daily Catskills: 09/13/15
70F by 8.30am, a sunny morning, but slipping to 67F by 1pm. Cool in the shade and warm in the sun.
Daily Catskills: 08/28/15
63F at 10am rising to nearly 70F by 1pm, with gunmetal grey, rolling cloud cover dominating the skies, only occasionally breaking up to reveal sunshine.
Daily Catskills: 08/24/15
A crisp 60F at 7.30am with fog hovering in the valleys. Update: 81F, blazing sun, scattered cloud combo.
Daily Catskills: 08/10/15
60F at 7am, breezy, cloudy with brief periods sunshine, rising to 80F by noon. The usual clouds marching through, dampening the strength of the sun at regular intervals and darkening the afternoon.
Daily Catskills: 08/09/15
80F by noon. A clear and sunny morning despite clouds sailing through. Haying continues…
Daily Catskills: 07/12/15
80F with hazy sunshine by noon.