A high of 90F, blazing hot and humid.
Tag Archives: Daily Catskills
Daily Catskills: 09/24/17
Daily Catskills: 09/18/17
Daily Catskills: 09/17/17
A foggy start to the day, rising to 83F and scorching in the sun until the storm clouds sailed through with a mini-storm. Sunburn one minute; a thorough soaking the next. This year’s fall is more like a fade… a draining of color from vivid green to yellow. The forest floor is carpet of brown and yellow.
Daily Catskills: 09/13/17
Daily Catskills: 09/11/17
Daily Catskills: 09/02/17
Daily Catskills: 08/31/17
A chilly high of 67F, with the sun straining to break through multifarious clouds, gusty winds and a lunchtime shower. August almost goes out with a whimper to the sound of a thousand wood stoves firing up, but the sun comes out at the last minute and turns the clouds into a milky glaze.
Daily Catskills: 08/29/17
Daily Catskills: 08/27/17
Daily Catskills: 08/25/17
Daily Catskills: 08/24/17
Daily Catskills: 08/22/17
Daily Catskills: 08/21/17
Daily Catskills: 08/17/17
Daily Catskills: 08/15/17
Daily Catskills: 08/14/17
Daily Catskills: 08/05/17
Daily Catskills: 07/31/17
Daily Catskills: 06/27/17
Daily Catskills: 06/26/17
Daily Catskills: 06/19/17
Daily Catskills: 06/17/17
Daily Catskills: 06/11/17
Daily Catskills: 06/10/17
Daily Catskills: 06/05/17
Daily Catskills: 05/22/17
Daily Catskills: 05/06/17
Daily Catskills: 05/01/17
Evening Catskills: 04/07/17
Daily Catskills: 04/04/17
Daily Catskills: 04/03/17
Daily Catskills: 03/31/17
Daily Catskills: 03/23/17
Daily Catskills: 03/10/17
Daily Catskills: 02/09/17
Daily Catskills: 02/03/17
A wide stretch of electric blue, after a week of low light and vibrant snow storms. Clouds sailing quickly along like they have warmer places to be. So many fresh tracks in the snow made it look like a Million Animal March. Perhaps there was an unofficial wildlife conference last night? 24F by mid-afternoon.
Daily Catskills: 05/29/16
Daily Catskills Exhibition at Union Grove Distillery
Come celebrate the Catskills with us at Union Grove Distillery in Arkville at the opening party of the Daily Catskills Exhibition on Friday May 20th at 6pm.
If you’re only just joining us, Upstate Dispatch is a website started in September 2014 by J.N. Urbanski, focusing on the Catskills featuring interviews, memoir, photography and reviews of food, art, farming and the local economy.
Every day, for a period of 18 months, Upstate Dispatch published an image of the Catskills taken on that day. This exhibition will start at the distillery and continue throughout the Catskills at various locations over the summer. All prints are available for purchase, framed or unframed. For the last month, we’ve been editing, printing, packing, matting (and picking out a nice print for Larry who probably is wondering where his free 11 x 14 print is).
Union Grove Distillery is a local distillery and tasting room currently brewing their third batch of local vodka from wheat and apples named Vly Creek Vodka.