A overnight layer of powdery snow, sticking to trees and structures, turns the brown valleys white again and dusts the icy peaks. Streaks of smoky blue cloud ripple through the sky. A high of 32F.
Tag Archives: Winter Wonderland
Daily Catskills: 12/27/18
Brilliant sun until early-afternoon and another high of 32F with fresh snowcaps on several peaks. A rare bright day. Busy on Belleayre.
Daily Catskills: 12/25/18
Moody clouds with a bitter chill in the air and a high of 31F.
Daily Catskills: 12/24/18
A calm, white Christmas Eve with an inch or two of morning snow, clearing up late morning for a brief hour of sunshine. Then back into the doldrums with the lightest possible snow fall waning by mid-afternoon. A high of 37F.
Daily Catskills: 04/30/18
36F at 8am, snowing heavily, with the mountains shrouded in the thick fog of our profound resignation. We live in the mountains and, consequently, get all the weather. We catch all precipitation however cold it may be. The budding maple leaves that have been reddening the bare, umber brush like a light rash are covered once again in white powder for most of the day. Locals say that the weather was always like this and that back in the day, there was nothing planted before Memorial Day. Plus, of course, water is life. Keep it flowing.
Daily Catskills: 03/15/18
Sun! A high of 37F with brilliant sunshine through ribbons of passing cloud. The nor’easter has moved on.
Daily Catskills: 03/14/18
A nor-easter all week: another whiteout. A high of 31F and relentless snow since Monday 12th. Shovel, shovel, shovel. Snow banks getting higher and higher. Icicles get longer and longer.
Daily Catskills: 03/13/18
A high of 32F with fluffy snow continuing to accumulate, chest high in some areas. Snowshoes sink a foot into the drifts. Feet of snow turn a hemlock forest into a magical glade.
Daily Catskills: 02/06/18
A high of 27F, morning snow flurries petering out by lunchtime. Still bright despite moody cloud cover.
Daily Catskills: 12/16/17
A high of 26F with continual, light snow.
Daily Catskills: 12/12/17
A high of 35F, and overcast with shimmering cloud and continuous snowfall. A quick Urdhva mukha svanasana. Yoga on the go.
Daily Catskills: 12/09/17
A high of 30F and cold with afternoon snow beginning as a light sprinkles at lunchtime and continuing well into the evening. Cars over-shooting their turns, sliding gracefully off roads and into ditches, just before dusk ahead of the snow ploughs. Winter has finally arrived.
Daily Catskills: 11/08/17
A high of 46F, cloudless skies, snow melting in the blazing sunshine.
Daily Catskills: 01/12/15
A positively balmy 30F at 7am with overnight snow having laid a thick, white blanket. Rain mid-morning with temps rising to 36F. A winter wonderland.