50F by mid-afternoon, gusty winds, overcast, heavy rain leaving mist over the mountains.
Tag Archives: Spring in the Catskills
Daily Catskills: 05/03/17
51F by mid-afternoon, chilly, windy and overcast with a sunny afternoon.
Daily Catskill: 06/07/16
63F at 8.30am with rolling clouds, light breeze and brief periods of sunshine.
Spring Links: 05/03/16
Spring is here and we’re seeing a start to the greening of our mountains with the help of some much-needed rain that will cool off recent brush fires. Here are some weekend links as we mountaineers ramp up for spring, no pun intended.
Support your local bookstore: Catskill Made’s blog highlights their favorite Catskill local bookstores.
A pop-up library at the Catskill Center, where you can borrow books and give them back to any Delaware County library when they’re due.
Foragers like Marguerite have been busy in the last few weeks with ramps, fiddleheads and more. Another foraging walk here.
Life drawing classes and yoga at Willow Drey Farm in Andes on Thursdays 6 – 9pm throughout May. For more information call 917-859-5397.
Tomorrow, May 4th at 11am, join us at the Roxbury Arts Center for a talk arranged by The MARK Project on the $500,000,000 grant that Governor Cuomo has ear-marked for the Southern Tier of New York State.
Daily Catskills: 05/02/16
42F at 8am with heavy rain all morning, and rising to 52F by mid-afternoon.
Daily Catskills Lightbox: 12/13/15
Daily Catskills Lightbox: 04/13/15
Sculpture at the Maurice D. Hinchey Interpretive Center.
Daily Catskills Lightbox: 05/28/15
A gorgeous glimpse of weather to come… fingers crossed.
Daily Catskills Lightbox: 04/09/15
This year’s April is a mixture of rain and snow, much like last year’s, which included an ice storm on the evening of 4/8/15 that coated trees, walls and cars in a layer of ice. Over that morning it began to melt and, as the ice was shaken through the trees in the breeze, it issued a loud tinkling sound like nature’s freezing wind chime.
Daily Catskills Lightbox: 04/06/15
On this day last year…
Daily Catskills Lightbox: 4/04/15 & 04/05/15
A year ago on the farm. We’re surprised to see snow this time of year, but last week’s warmer weather, which saw laundry drying quickly in the sun, was more unusual than yesterday’s snowstorm.
Daily Catskills: 03/30/16
41F at 8.30am with clear skies and warm in the sun. Update: 55F by 1pm.
Daily Catskills: 03/29/16
30F at 8.30am with a chilly wind and an overnight layer of crunchy snow. 40F by 2pm.
Daily Catskills: 03/22/16
28F at 8.30am with crunchy layer of overnight snow and a mixture of enigmatic clouds. 43F by 1pm.
Daily Catskills: 03/12/16
39F at 8.30am, with clear skies and a light breeze. 57F at 1pm.