34F at 7.30am and wet with rain melting two inches of overnight snow into slush. Heavy afternoon rain. Update: heavy rain, thunder and lightning storms throughout the evening.
Think positive, Jenny Neal; in 6 months you’ll be picking blackberries! I have some blackberry liqueur hand crafted by my late uncle, Michael Hoeko that is 10 years old. He picked the blackberries in Red Kill and through an involved process using Stolichnaya vodka created a real ambrosia. You and Michael are quite welcome to have a taste. I have also offered some to Todd and Brian at Union Grove.
Think positive, Jenny Neal; in 6 months you’ll be picking blackberries! I have some blackberry liqueur hand crafted by my late uncle, Michael Hoeko that is 10 years old. He picked the blackberries in Red Kill and through an involved process using Stolichnaya vodka created a real ambrosia. You and Michael are quite welcome to have a taste. I have also offered some to Todd and Brian at Union Grove.