43F by 8.30am and cloudy rising to 52F and mostly sunny by 1pm.
43F by 8.30am and cloudy rising to 52F and mostly sunny by 1pm.
48F by 8.30am and cloudy rising to 52F.
68F at 9am with a thin streaks of cloud stretched taught across the sky, rising to 72F by noon. Cloud moved in mid-afternoon with some rain.
60F by 8.30am, with clear skies rising to 74F by 2pm. A gorgeous fall day for apple picking and pressing.
Another gorgeous, breezy fall day: 62F, cloudless skies and very warm in the sun by noon.
50F by mid-morning and sunny with wispy clouds, only rising to 54F by 2pm but warm in the sun. A glorious day.
58F at 9.30am, gloomy and overcast, with overnight rain having made the landscape soggy and wet and showers continuing into the morning. A day only enlivened by the multi-colored confetti been strewn around in the breeze.
Climbing Blackhead Mountain is like driving to New York City via the Tappanzee Bridge for the first time. By the time you’re more than halfway there it has become ridiculously difficult and you’re suddenly slightly afraid. You’ve got vertigo and you want to turn back, but you’re on a mission and survival is obligatory. The worst part about climbing Blackhead is the realization that, once you get to the top, if you want to be part of the Catskill 3500 Club, you have to return and repeat the experience in the winter. Four peaks are required hiking between December 21st and March 21st for entry into the club – Blackhead, Slide, Panther and Balsam – and Blackhead will require crampons, snowshoes and an ice pick – or all three. I already have a superb set of crampons from Hillsound, which I will be testing out on all four peaks.
46F at 8.30am and humid with thick fog. Update: 72F by mid-afternoon and a brilliantly sunny and warm day. Fall just seems to be getting better.
50F at 8am, gorgeous sunrise among the clouds, rising to 68F by mid-afternoon with hazy sunshines in parts, but otherwise clear skies. Another stunning fall day in the Catskills.
52F and sunny at 8.30am rising to 66F by mid-afternoon. Graceful, wispy clouds floating through otherwise clear skies, as the breeze shakes the leaves out of the trees.
A crisp 38F at 7.30am with thin strips of gossamer cloud, rising to 52F by 11.30am and 60F by mid-afternoon.
55F by noon and cloudy, with periods of sunshine and gusty winds thrusting multi-coloured confetti out of the trees. Clear and sunny by the afternoon with occasional, passing clouds.
40F by 11.30am, cold, blustery and raining only rising to the mid-forties by the afternoon.
42F, chilly and overcast at 7.30am, rising to 47F by noon with gusty winds and brilliant fall foliage.
42F at 8.10pm and gloomy with the air chilly and still. A cold snap for the beginning of the month, only rising to 52F by 1.30pm with an afternoon breeze gently dispersing vividly colorful leaves under a monochromatic sky.
Yesterday’s unrelenting rain continued through the night into the morning, causing puddles, gulleys and streams to run with mud. 60F by 9am.
A balmy 65F at 8.30am, overcast and humid. Rain and 70F at 12.30pm.
A hair under 70F, cloudy and humid at 9.30am. Warm, sunny with multifarious cloud cover for the rest of the day and a blazing sunset.
It’s been a glorious week for enigmatic pictures and it seems as if today’s the day that the colors are really popping out more vividly at us. On Friday, both a black cat and mouse scurried across my path on my morning jaunt: an ancient sign of luck. The barn on Breezy Hill Road (below) has featured as an icon of Upstate Dispatch. I’ve photographed in all seasons and in all sorts of weather: covered in snow, sunny, foggy, misty and raining. Herein starts Fall Foliage Watch and we will hiking to the top of mountains to capture some of the best of it in the next few months.
64F by noon, but hot in the sun, sunny and bright, not yet jacket weather. Wispy ribbons of cloud streak across the sky.
A crisp 57F at 8.30am with fog stuffed like cotton wool in the valleys and hazy skies. Update to come.
A dewy 60F at 8.30am with wispy ribbons of cloud, rising to 70F by 1.30pm and more thickly overcast.
64F at 8.30am, with a clear sky obscured by the usual haze, rising to 70F by noon with a scanty flotilla of clouds. Officially, the first day of autumn in the northern hemisphere.
A warm and sunny 56F at 8.30am with clear skies rising to 72F by 1.30pm. At this point in the year, the sun crosses the celestial equator from north to south. At 4.21am this morning, the sun’s rays were perpendicular to the earth’s axis, making the sun shine directly at the equator. On other days of the year, the northern or southern hemisphere tilts away or toward the sun. On the Equinox day and night are nearly exactly the same length and in the northern hemisphere this day is the official start of the Autumn. Splodges of red dot the landscape.
It’s been another beautiful Catskills summer. In the last few weeks, red leaves have been scattered sparingly on the forest floor like clues to a treasure hunt, leading me to my autumnal prize. A spectacular show, like the forest’s own Mexican wave, a static riot of color will commence later this month. A benevolent Mother Nature now has a cool wind in the works while Old Man Winter waits behind her gleefully rubbing his hands. I hope she flicks an acorn in his eye.
It’s at the waning end of this glorious summer that Upstate Dispatch celebrates its birthday. It turns a year old tomorrow, September 9th. I would, firstly, like to thank you for reading and all your wonderful comments, feedback and admiration. Readership support means such a great deal.
63F at 10am rising to nearly 70F by 1pm, with gunmetal grey, rolling cloud cover dominating the skies, only occasionally breaking up to reveal sunshine.