Jenny, At this time from the pictures it appears that your hemlocks are free of the woolly adelgid. If you ever notice white woolly nodules on the bottom of the leaves notify CRISP at the Catskill Center.
Thanks Jack. I’m aware of this pest and will write a post on it next week. CRISP are doing biological remedial work in Max V Shaul state park that appears to be working. The biggest worry is Emerald Ash Borer. The Catskill Center say that we’ll lose all the ash in two years.
Jenny, At this time from the pictures it appears that your hemlocks are free of the woolly adelgid. If you ever notice white woolly nodules on the bottom of the leaves notify CRISP at the Catskill Center.
Thanks Jack. I’m aware of this pest and will write a post on it next week. CRISP are doing biological remedial work in Max V Shaul state park that appears to be working. The biggest worry is Emerald Ash Borer. The Catskill Center say that we’ll lose all the ash in two years.