As we enter month two of New York State’s Corona Virus Shelter-in-Place order, the two most important subjects here at the magazine have been the focus of the national consciousness: our food supply and the natural world.
Upstate Dispatch highlights the local farmers, producers and makers of these mountains who do back-breaking work to bring us our food, the farmers who drive every week into the city to sell in places like Union Square Farmers’ Market. Here in the Catskills we enjoy some of the most healthful food in the country. Never has it been so apparent that farming is one of the world’s most meaningful professions. Second, we are watching – some of us from afar – the gradual healing of parts of our environment as man stays home across the globe. It’s fascinating time in this fascinating part of the world: New York State.
A former radio journalist, I’m joining up with colleagues to produce a weekly podcast. I got the idea from a neighbor who was looking for podcasts that might get her to sleep and made the suggestion that I produce one. Insomnia is sweeping the nation. It’s not unusual to receive texts from friends at 6am telling you what movie they’re watching. (I also recommend the BBC World Service). So, at least, if you don’t learn something, I hope my soporific voice might get you to sleep.
The new podcast, on Sound Cloud, tentatively titled “Upstate Dispatch’s Wild Card” will take you into the mountains of Upstate New York to explore and marvel at the natural world, these mountains and those people, like me, who make them their home.
Join me in forthcoming episodes to listen to walks in the woods, recipes, and interviews with farmers, makers, artists and others who make the Catskills a beautiful place to be.
Subscribe to Upstate Dispatch to get notification of the first episode. You can also find the introduction and some older radio interviews here on the Upstate Dispatch Sound Cloud stream.